Hormone therapy Claremont , NH - Balance Health Clinic

Introduction to Hormones and Imbalances

Hormones are powerful chemical messengers that regulate many processes in the body. When hormone levels drop too low or become too high, you may experience symptoms associated with hormone imbalance. Some common signs include:

Fatigue Lack of energy and constant tiredness are very common with hormone changes. Thyroid, testosterone, estrogen and other hormones all impact energy levels.

Trouble Sleeping Hormone shifts can make it difficult to fall and stay asleep. This leads to daytime fatigue and impairment.

Depression and Anxiety Hormonal factors strongly influence mood and mental health. Imbalances can trigger or worsen depression, anxiety, irritability and other issues.

Weight Gain Appetite regulation involves intricate hormonal signals. Low metabolism, fluid retention and greater fat storage are also tied to hormones.

Loss of Muscle Mass Testosterone and growth hormone are essential for building and maintaining lean muscle mass. Deficiencies contribute significantly to muscle loss.

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Declining estrogen is the primary cause of vasomotor symptoms in perimenopause and menopause. However, thyroid dysfunction can also be a factor.

Hair Thinning and Loss Androgens like testosterone and DHT bind receptors in hair follicles to regulate growth cycles. Changing androgen levels alter growth patterns.

Foggy Thinking and Memory Lapses Estrogen, cortisol and thyroid hormone are needed for optimal brain function. Imbalances lead to difficulty concentrating, cloudy thinking and memory problems.

Decreased Libido Healthy libido relies on adequate testosterone, estrogen and other reproductive hormones. Low levels frequently manifest as loss of sex drive and function.

Other Issues Brittle nails, dry skin, headaches, gut issues, erratic periods, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness and irregular heart rhythms may also arise.

The range of symptoms reflects how thoroughly hormones facilitate communication between cells throughout the body. Restoring balance is key for metabolism, mental health, quality of life and proper systemic function.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is confirming whether underlying hormone issues are causing symptoms. This involves specialized testing that is vastly more insightful than standard screens. Targeted hormone panels help uncover the root causes of imbalance. Key values to measure include:

Thyroid Hormones TSH, free T3 and free T4 indicate functional thyroid status related to metabolism, weight, energy, body temperature and more.

Adrenal Hormones Cortisol and DHEA reveal daily patterns affecting stress resilience, inflammation, immune health, mood, sleep and weight.

Reproductive Hormones Estradiol, progesterone, total and free testosterone, LH, FSH and SHBG for symptoms linked to menopause, andropause and fertility.

Growth Hormone and IGF-1 Critical for maintaining lean muscle mass and supporting energy, joint health, injury repair and longevity.

Vitamins and Inflammatory Markers B12, vitamin D, CRP and homocysteine highlight nutritional status and influences on chronic inflammation underlying hormone issues and many diseases.

Results are compared against optimal ranges based on age and gender to determine which hormones are imbalanced and why dysfunction is occurring. This enables tailored treatment plans targeting proper balance.

Ask about advanced hormone testing options to uncover potential issues. Identifying and addressing underlying deficiencies and excesses provides the foundation for better health and wellness at any age.

The first step toward treating hormone imbalance is confirming via testing which hormones are suboptimal so customized treatment plans can restore proper balance and communication throughout the body.

Our services

Take action and restore hormone balance today!

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structures as hormones naturally produced by the body. This allows receptor binding and physiological effects to precisely mirror natural function. Synthetic hormones are structurally different, altering activity.

Custom-compounded bioidentical hormones and dosages can be tailored to match deficiencies or deficits confirmed by testing. This facilitates cellular communication, regulation of gene expression and metabolic processes. Benefits may include:

More Energy and Stamina Balancing key hormones raises metabolism, muscle strength, endurance and ability to be active all day without crashing.

Weight Loss and Healthy Body Composition Proper hormone levels make it easier to lose stubborn fat while maintaining lean muscle mass. This supports achieving and maintaining ideal weight.

Better Sleep Quality Optimal reproductive and adrenal hormones enable deeper, more restorative sleep. This also lessens anxiety, overthinking and insomnia.

Less Stress and Anxiety Bioidentical progesterone, pregnenolone and DHEA have demonstratively positive effects on mood, stress resilience and emotional wellbeing.

Healthy Inflammatory Response Estrogen, testosterone and growth factors help regulate immune function. Optimizing levels enhances defense against diseases linked to inflammation like diabetes and dementia.

More Libido and Better Sexual Function Reinvigorated libido, arousal response, sensation, orgasm intensity and sexual satisfaction are common results of balanced testosterone, estrogen and DHEA.

Improved Memory, Focus and Concentration Supporting thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones enhances multiple aspects of cognitive function throughout the lifespan.

Healthy Bones, Muscles and Joints Testosterone, estrogen, DHEA, IGF-1 and growth hormone all help build and maintain bone matrix, muscle mass and collagen for injury resilience.

Younger-Looking Skin and Fuller Hair Collagen synthesis for skin plumpness and elasticity relies on balanced hormone levels. Thyroid and sex hormones support lush hair growth.

Disease Prevention Optimizing hormone balance safeguards metabolic and immune function, reducing risks for diabetes, dementia, cardiovascular issues, osteoporosis and some cancers.

Symptoms arise when key hormones fall out of optimal ranges. Restoring balance facilitates proper systemic communication to get your body and health back on track. The array of benefits reflects the ubiquitous importance of healthy hormone signaling.

Balance Health Clinic Bioidentical HRT Therapy Overview

We utilize cutting-edge bioidentical hormone therapies tailored to your unique biochemistry, lifestyle and health goals. Custom-compounded pills, creams or injectables address confirmed deficiencies and imbalances so your body functions at its best. Key aspects include:

Precision Testing Ultra-sensitive blood, saliva and urine testing provides real-time data on reproductive hormones, thyroid, cortisol, melatonin, neurotransmitters, nutrition status and inflammation. This enables highly targeted treatment plans. Ask about our advanced options.

Personalized Dosages and Delivery Creams, tablets and injectables are meticulously prepared in our compounding lab to match your body’s precise needs and deficiencies. This facilitates ideal balance without guesswork.

Highest Quality Ingredients We exclusively use bioidentical hormones and pharmaceutical materials meeting stringent safety and purity standards. This ensures excellence you can trust.

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments Follow-up testing helps gauge treatment effectiveness and determine if dosages require fine-tuning over time for ideal results and longevity. We remain your partner in care.

Holistic Lifestyle Guidance Our practitioners help identify nutritional, exercise, stress management and environmental factors that may be compromising hormone health. We offer personalized guidance to support your goals.

Hormone balance is foundational for sustained energy, weight control, restorative sleep, emotional wellbeing, healthy aging and disease prevention. We leverage the latest scientific advancements so you can actualize your body’s full potential across the lifespan.

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy can help improve skin thickness and elasticity. A study found that estrogen-based hormone therapy increased skin collagen content, improved skin moisture and firmness, and decreased wrinkles in postmenopausal women. This skin-rejuvenating effect was an unexpected benefit of hormone therapy traditionally used to relieve menopausal symptoms.

Treatment Options at Balance Health Clinic

Thyroid Hormone Replacement

The thyroid produces metabolic hormones T3 and T4 that set the pace for energy production, weight management, body temperature, mood and more. Low levels slow metabolism contributing to fatigue, stubborn weight gain, feeling cold, brain fog and depression. Bioidentical thyroid supplementation benefits include:

Increased Basal Metabolic Rate Boosts calories and fat burned at rest for easier weight loss and leaner body composition.

Elimination of Stubborn Fat Accumulation Provides thyroid support needed for weight loss plateaus, belly fat and cellulite reduction.

All-Day Energy Without Crashes Allows sustaining stamina instead of chronic afternoon fatigue and stimulation seeking with caffeine or sugar.

Enhanced Cognitive Abilities Supports focus, learning capacity, memory, reaction time, mood stability and motivation.

Better Cellular and Immune Function Thyroid hormones facilitate DNA expression, mitochondria energy output, detoxification and disease defenses.

Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails Stimulates collagen production for skin elasticity and hair follicles for thicker, fuller locks.

Disease Protection Low thyroid function is linked to risks for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmunity, infertility, dementia and certain cancers. Optimization safeguards many aspects of health.

Balanced thyroid hormone levels provide the biological foundation for whole-body vitality and wellness throughout life.

Adrenal Support Protocols

The adrenal glands produce over 50 hormones that facilitate resilience to all forms of stress. Key hormones include cortisol for energy and stamina as well as DHEA and progesterone for longevity, mood balance and disease protection. We offer cutting-edge support such as:

DHEA Replacement Bioidentical DHEA enhances energy, libido, immunity, skin quality, joint comfort, injury healing, weight control and protects against diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, depression and dementia.

Cortisol Balancing Phosphatidylserine and adaptogenic herbs help restore optimal daily cortisol patterns to reduce anxiety, stubborn weight, inflammation, pain and burnout while improving sleep quality, mental clarity and metabolism.

Adrenal Glandular Extracts Specially prepared extracts from bovine adrenal glands provide nutritional precursors the body can utilize to produce more of its own hormones as needed for energy, mood and coping capacity.

Micronutrient Repletion Targeted vitamin C, B5, B6, zinc, selenium and magnesium facilitate internal hormone production and combat the nutrient depletion caused by chronic stress.

Strengthening adrenal function bolsters resilience to daily pressures, supports healthy aging, prevents burnout and safeguards nearly all aspects of wellness.

Sex Hormone Restoration

Declining testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and DHEA manifest in menopause and andropause symptoms that disrupt sleep, weight, energy, libido, sexual function, emotional health and quality of life. We provide results through:

Estrogen and Progesterone Bioidentical progesterone alleviates hot flashes/night sweats, mood swings, anxiety, bladder issues, vaginal dryness and sleep disruption for midlife women. Estradiol creams restore deficiencies causing similar symptoms.

Testosterone Vital for men and women, testosterone enhances libido, energy, muscle mass, fat burning, mood, memory, motivation, bone matrix and resilience to stress and disease.

DHEA Functions as a neurosteroid for mood balance while also boosting energy, wellbeing, injury healing, sexual health, skin quality and protecting telomeres for longevity.

Pregnenolone The “mother hormone” and important precursor that bolsters energy, memory, mood, stress coping, injury resilience, restful sleep and natural DHEA/cortisol/testosterone synthesis.

Bioidentical hormone restoration reactivates youthful physical, mental and emotional vigor to actualize your fullest potential regardless of age or gender.

We offer cutting-edge hormone balancing protocols tailored to precisely match your individual needs, lifestyle and health goals.

Take control of your hormones, get tested today!

Lifestyle Optimization for Hormone Health

Foundational lifestyle factors exert powerful influence over hormone pathways. Guidance on targeted improvements generates exponential benefits from treatment:

Nutrient Repletion Key micronutrients like zinc, selenium, magnesium and B vitamins help facilitate internal hormone production and combat deficits. Anti-inflammatory diets also beneficial.

Sleep Hygiene At least 7 hours nightly, consistent bedtimes, limiting blue light and EMF near bed and using serotonin/melatonin support enables optimal overnight hormone release for daily wellness.

Stress Management Adaptogenic herbs, meditation, yoga, nature immersion and creative pursuits counteract cortisol dysregulation preserving adrenal and thyroid health for resilience.

Regular Exercise Hormones rely on movement to enter cells and moderate gene expression. Frequent low/moderate activity sustains optimal balance. both resistance and cardio training provide unique benefits.

Healthy Body Composition Excess body fat causes inflammation and hormone conversion into detrimental compounds. Maintaining healthy BMI through nutrition and training protects balance.

Hormone-Disrupting Toxins Reduce exposures to endocrine disruptors in foods/products. This lowers total burden on the body’s detoxification processes vital for balance.

Seemingly small daily choices wield tremendous influence over hormone pathways. We offer personalized guidance on optimizing key lifestyle factors so you actualize the full benefits of treatment.

The Promise of Bioidentical HRT

Treating hormone deficiencies and imbalances with expertly tailored bioidentical therapy provides transformative revitalization on multiple fronts when protocols are precisely matched to your biochemistry and needs. Benefits span:

Energy and Stamina Sustaining consistent vitality to accomplish everything you want out of each day. Weight Optimization Losing stubborn pounds, belly fat and cellulite by normalizing metabolic and fat burning hormones.

Restorative Sleep Finally getting truly restful nights that recharge you for the next day.

Balanced Moods Confidence, calm and emotional stability via normalized neurotransmitters and stress resilience.

Healthy Libido and Sexual Function Reinvigorated enjoyment of intimacy and sensual pleasures via optimized reproductive hormones.

Cognitive Enhancement Concentration, clarity, memory and quick thinking attributable to supported brain hormones and chemistry.

Musculoskeletal Strength and Resilience Hormones rebuilding lean muscle, strong bones and injury healing capacities regardless of age.

Younger-Looking Skin and Hair Collagen and skin cell regeneration for plumpness, elasticity and youthful appearance with lush locks.

Disease Prevention Safeguarding healthy metabolic and immune function lowers risks for diabetes, heart disease, dementia and cancers.

Overall Wellness and Life Quality Feeling your best physically and mentally to thrive and enjoy each moment.

Balanced, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy keyed to your unique needs ushers in a whole new level of health, vitality and ageless functioning. Contact us today to learn about precision testing and cutting-edge treatment plans. The future you want starts with restored hormone wellness now.

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